When it comes to successfully marketing your direct sales site, search ranking is everything. Studies show that the first search result on Google sees over 25% of all clicks, so for direct sales marketers, having a well-designed, SEO-friendly website that can reach that top ranking is of the utmost importance. Once you have your site set up, the only thing left to do is continue improving your SEO strategy until you’ve reached the top rankings. The question is, though, how? Let’s take a look at a few of the best ways to improve your direct sales website’s SEO.
Optimize Your Site
First and foremost, give your site a quick tune-up whenever possible. The longer a site goes without maintenance, the more small bugs start to pop up, and as a result, your site will begin to suffer from longer load times. Internet users have been shown to dislike slow sites, and when they come across a poorly optimized site, tend to click off and not return. By ensuring that your site runs smoothly, you’re not only creating a better experience for you and your users, but giving yourself a better shot at that top search ranking as well.
Add Embedded Videos
One of the most important factors in determining site rankings is the amount of time visitors stay on a certain site. Embedding videos into your webpage encourages visitors to stay a while and watch said videos, extending the duration of their visit and pushing up your site’s position.
Use Commercial Keywords
While generic keywords like “direct sales” will certainly do the trick, they’re also highly competitive, and the people searching for them don’t necessarily have any intention to book a call or purchase a product. Using a more commercial keyword like “direct sales opportunities,” however, uses a keyword that is both more niche and implies much more intent to invest. As a result, you’ll rank higher for searches involving those keywords, and the people who find your site using those keywords will be more likely to become loyal clients and customers.

Prepare your website for your distributors to do SEO
Prepare your site for it to be shared massively by your distributors and benefit those who put the most effort in getting diffusion by using in your content an option that in a registration is produced thanks to the interest generated by your content.
This implies additional technical development, but it will make the task much easier for your distributors because they will not need to spend additional time developing content that has to be very accurate. You and them will ensure that the content that you publish is always aligned with compliance and with the requirements of brand standards.
You can make sure that from the very first moment the distributor can be focused on disseminating valuable content to their prospects.
An optimized and oriented-in-content-and-metrics website better than your competitors.
Increasingly, in order to rank, you have to meet minimum search engine optimization standards and also optimize your content and graphic elements better than your competitors.
Repurpose and Reformat Old Content
To successfully climb the search rankings with your direct sales website, you need to be constantly putting out content. The problem, of course, is that this may not be sustainable for your company, especially if you’re running it alone or with a small team. Fortunately, while your content has to be original, it doesn’t necessarily have to be new.
If you’ve been in the direct sales industry for some time, there’s a fair chance that you already have a backlog of old content in a variety of different formats. Rather than stretching yourself thin by continuing to produce brand new content for your site, you can simply recycle this old content, reformatting it as needed. With a few tweaks, video scripts can become blog posts, articles can become embedded videos, and any sort of long-form content can be spliced into many short-form blurbs and social media posts. This allows you to save time, money, and effort without sacrificing the quality or quantity of your website’s content.

Find Your Keyword Niche
In a similar vein to finding more commercial keywords for your direct selling site, try to find a specialized niche for your website’s keywords to fall under. While ranking for popular keywords means far more visibility, it also means far more competition. While it’s always a good idea to throw your hat into the ring for these competitive keywords, you do stand to benefit from using less common keywords as well, giving you a better shot at achieving high rankings in more specialized search terms.
Add Visual Elements
When internet users discover your page, you need to have something ready to grab their attention right away, and then continue to spread those attention-grabbing elements throughout your site and its content. For primarily text-based websites, adding visual elements is one of the best ways to do this, whether they take the form of an image, infographic, or video.
When adding visual elements to your direct sales website, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, images and videos tend to take longer to load and consume more data than a regular text-based webpage. As we mentioned earlier, when optimizing your site, pay special attention to these visual elements to keep your clients from running into an annoying blank space where your carefully-designed image should be.
Next, when naming the files for these images or videos, name them after a specific and relevant keyword. Often, search engines will treat this as if you had written that keyword on your webpage, giving you a nice, convenient bump in the search rankings.
Finally, consider the content of the visual elements themselves. People often say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and it’s more important to follow this with your marketing visuals than just about anywhere else. Chances are, some complex and technical aspects of your brand won’t make sense to the layman at first, so rather than explain it with a block of text, just use a quick image or video! It’ll inform them about your product in a much more attention-getting, easy-to-digest way that all but guarantees they’ll stick around for more.
In addition, search engines in their transformation towards IA will in the future give an important weight to those websites that offer information in image format and that are well developed.

Avoid Walls of Text
Of course, your site’s visual appeal doesn’t just extend to images and colors, it also includes the organization of the text itself. If a prospect client visits your blog only to encounter a massive block of text, they probably aren’t going to take the time out of their day to decipher it all.
However, if you make good use of headers, subheaders, and line breaks, you can put out the same volume of text in a way that’s much easier for website visitors to mentally break down and digest, giving them a greater understanding of who you are, what you do, and why they should choose to work with you.
Work With Website Design & Development Experts
At the end of the day, though, designing the perfect direct sales website with the perfect SEO strategy is no mean feat, so you may want a little bit of help. If that’s the case, feel free to get in touch with us here at NexLaunch. Between our SEO experts and our web design team, we’re a company that’s committed to helping you reach the heights your company deserves.
Interested in working with us? Just send us a message and we’ll get started right away!