
Why Customer-Centricity in Direct Selling is Important

Why Customer-Centricity in Direct Selling is Important

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In the direct selling industry, companies often focus on distributor satisfaction and loyalty. After all, your distributors are the people out on the field selling your products, so ensuring they have a good time doing business with you is pretty important. 

But with this focus on distributors (distributor-centricity, you could even say), direct-selling companies often neglect their customer satisfaction. Not only do you want loyal distributors, but you also want loyal customers, and customer-centricity allows you to achieve that.

What is Customer-Centricity?

Customer-centricity is when a company focuses on making the customer experience the best it can be. This can be everything from having solid customer service to maintaining a user-friendly website. 

Customer-centricity is less of a specific practice and more of an ideal. If you manage your company with customer-centricity in mind, then you will be able to plan for it effectively.

What Does Customer-Centricity Achieve?

Effective customer-centricity practices make customer satisfaction high, and high customer satisfaction means higher customer loyalty. The benefits of this should go without saying, but just in case: customer loyalty means long-lasting customers that buy your products.

It’s one thing to have loyal distributors, and it is certainly helpful, but what does it matter if you have a million loyal distributors if you struggle to maintain customer loyalty? Customer-centricity is key to maintaining steady growth and sales. Most customer-centric companies just perform better.

Why Customer-Centricity in Direct Selling is Important

Best Strategies for Emphasizing Customer-Centricity

There are plenty of ways you can emphasize customer-centricity, but there are a handful of common practices that many direct-selling companies find effective. Many of these strategies are related to your company’s digital presence, as direct selling has been exploding on the digital market.

Customer-Friendly Web Design

Your website is the gateway to your brand for customers. If it’s hard to navigate, ugly to look at, or generally not user-friendly, then it’s going to be a bad gateway. Your first priority for customer-centric design should be for your website to be customer-friendly.

Customer-friendly websites tell customers what they need to know quickly and make it obvious where they can find what they need. They are easy to navigate and intuitive. They are aesthetically pleasing; in fact, the best websites should tell a customer a lot about your company just from its style.

Direct sales happen on your website, more often than not, so your website should fulfill its role splendidly. If customers like your website, they’ll want to come back, and if they’re coming back, they’re more likely to purchase your products.

SEO Content

You can have the prettiest, most user-friendly website on the planet, but if it doesn’t show up on people’s searches, then it won’t perform well. For this reason, you want SEO (Search Engine Optimized) content that will drive users to your website and increase overall traffic. The website is how you retain customers, and SEO content is how you make them see you in the first place.

SEO is huge for digital marketing, specifically. You want to identify marketing trends and plan out how best you can match them with content that generates clicks and shows up on people’s search engines. 

If your direct sales company isn’t already on the SEO wagon, then you need to hop on it soon. Understanding and building content for SEO is mandatory for success in the digital market.

Aligning Company Culture with Customer-Centricity

Changing customer-facing aspects of your company can only do so much for your customer-centric goals if your company’s actual culture doesn’t line up with them. Sometimes, direct sales companies rework everything facing the outside world but refuse to change company culture, and their customer-centric campaigns fail.

Genuine customer-centric ideals read and work better with consumers than customer-centric facades. For some companies, the hardest part of implementing customer-centricity is realigning company culture with it, so get ahead of that trouble and start working on culture immediately.

What Does Customer-Centricity Achieve?

How To Implement Customer-Centric Strategies

Customer-centric strategies can be sweeping and require a lot of change, especially if it’s a company culture campaign. Look at your competitors and the most successful direct sales companies and figure out what they’re doing that is working for them. Take these trends and think of how you can apply them to your own company.

Take customer-centric strategies (whether it’s these or others) and plan out how you plan on implementing them. Shifting to customer-centrism is no small task for many companies, so the last thing you want is to jump in headfirst without a plan.

If you’re looking for experts in digital marketing, digital sales, and/or general aid with your customer-centric strategies, look no further than our website. NexLaunch has the people you need to help you with the strategies you want to implement so your customers have the perfect experience.

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